Mad Geek

Thursday, October 14, 2004

My name is Zuke and I approve this blog

I'm not making a political post here, I just find that phrase humorous. In reality, the candidate who says it is really saying "I have no clue what this ad says, nor could I care less. I approve getting elected."

Tine and I got to experience an interesting case of "Good Cop, Bad Cop" during the past week. More accurately would be "Smart Cop, Moron".

On my way to school one afternoon, I was clocked by a motorcycle cop who was standing off the shoulder next to his chopper. The dumb thing is, I knew he was there, too; I waved to the officer usually stationed there everyday leading up to that! He waved me over to the side and got my license and registration. He and I made a bit of small talk and he asked me about the stuff in my backseat (parts for the computer case I'm making in metalworking). He was very courteous and fast and gave me a printout of my ticket as well as how much it would cost and to make sure I contact the courts. He even pointed out that he had dropped the speed from 12 MPH over to only 5 so my insurance couldn't care less.

Fast forward about a week. Tine is driving the same car in the same place and gets clocked for the same speed! Only this cop isn't very good. I won't say he wasn't courteous, but I will say he wasn't smart! After looking at Tine's insurance card and the car's registration info, he concluded she was "seeeding" (no joke, it's written right on the ticket) in a silver 2003 Mitsubishi 626 Sedan.

In case you are not familiar with cars, lets list the problems with this:
The car is a 1994.
The car is blue, not silver.
We do not own a Mitsubishi.
Even if we did, Mistubishi does not make the 626. The 626 is a Mazda.
In 2003, not even Mazda made the 626.

Add this to the fact that he couldn't even spell her name correctly (her first, not the last) when he was reading it straight from her license! Needless to say, he did not reduce the charge.

We're hoping to contest the citation on the grounds he's an idiot.
:: posted by Zuke, 12:36 PM


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