Mad Geek

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Exciting things

Well, it has been awhile. Winter has come in hard here in the Salt Lake valley which means one thing; Inversion! For those of you unfamiliar with the term allow me to describe to you the horror that inversion is: there is no wind and every bit of smoke, smog, and filth that we throw into the air gets suspended in a fine fog-like mist that obscures vision, blocks the sun, and generally makes life miserable. It isn't like this is a new thing, it happens every year. But, like so many other things, we forget about it enough that it always seems like the worst we've had in a long time.

Possibly the main thing that has made getting up and going to work in this Smog-o-Death bearable has been the fact that there is a copy of Halo 2 there that we play on lunches and breaks. Some numbers have come through on the sales of this game, released last Wednesday. On it's first day alone, it made $125M in it's US based sales. That's the largest release in entertainment history! Spider-Man 2 was the previous record holder at $120M. So far, they estimate domestic sales at 2.38 million copies . . . that's more than the population of Utah.

Holy. Crap.

Everyone keeps asking me if anything new or exciting has happened lately. In a word, no. I actually lead a very boring life, and so I run out of ammo for this blog of mine as a result. Possibly the most exciting thing that has happened to me recently was the new men's bathroom that was finished in the Student Union building in the middle of campus. It has tile, not cement. The stall walls rise above 4.5 feet (no, the old ones didn't). The floor actually tilts towards the floor drains. And, get this, there are hooks in the stalls for you to hang your backpack up, so it doesn't rest at your feet in the puddle left by a previous occupant! w00t, yo!

Wonders never cease, eh?
:: posted by Zuke, 5:19 PM


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