Mad Geek

Saturday, April 30, 2005


Well, I don't know how often many of you visit this page, but you might have seen it naked recently. My FTP space that was obtained through a friend lapsed (he didn't renew his subscription and didn't bother to tell anyone) taking all my pics with it. This included my profile pic, my background, and nearly all posted content.

Thankfully, I happen to own some other webspace that I was able to add an FTP service on, so I'm back in action! The problem is, some of the pics there were on the old system didn't exist anywhere else. So, until I recreate them, you will be seeing random pics not working (Catherine, I'll be working on replacing yours first!)

So, I thank everyone in advance for their patience as I try and restore any content I might have had stored for you.
:: posted by Zuke, 12:53 PM


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