Mad Geek

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Way Too Much Time Today

I'd be fixing that ASAP

Up in the top right corner is a button that says 'Next Blog' (or something to that effect). Its pretty cool in that it takes you to a completely random blog made by someone else everytime. You'll never go to the same one twice! On some of these, I find interesting pictures (like the one listed above).

More often than not, I've found some pretty well-written bits and pieces of other people's lives. Even though I may not hear about their personal lives (I almost perfer not to), I DO get a glimpse at their personality. There are the few 'blogs' that were put up simply to get a word count on Google, and there are the ones I can't read since they are in other languages. Surprisingly, the whiny 14-yr old girl with bad poetry ones are pretty few and far between. I guess they all stay to other services then.

One thing that I have noticed (and forgive me if I've already posted on this) are the morons that put popups on their blogs. Now, I know why they have these popups, and that makes me even more annoyed. What they do is they go and find cute Java or ActiveX scripts to paste into their template so your mouse cursor turns into a kitty or something. In the process, it also tags you with some bad cookies and gives you a nice popup that refuses to go away.

Most of the scripts they use are annoying by themselves anyway. I think the clock on the left side of my blog to be much better looking and funtional than having a pair of eyes watch your cursor (less creepy too).
:: posted by Zuke, 10:51 AM


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