Mad Geek

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Ok, so maybe Vader really IS that bad!

Saw Star Wars Episode III today.
Holy. Crap.

Somewhere, somehow, Lucas remembered how to tell a story and what cinematography means! I won't give away any parts of the movie to people, but I will say this; it's dark. Like REALLY dark. There are laughs, and there are sad points, and Padme & Anakin still have the worst dialogue in the movie. Overall, however, it was a well executed finale to the prequel Star Wars!

I was going to give up on the whole Darth Vader vs. The King I mentioned below. I actually saw the commercial where they confront each other; it was lame. It basically consisted of 30 seconds of the two of them breathing heavily through their masks about 7 inches apart. Fun stuff all around, right?

If any of you have not seen the movie yet, and have the ability to find these, I would SERIOUSLY suggest watching "Clone Wars". That is the micro-series that was shown on Cartoon Network for 3 seasons and basically helped show what everyone went through during the wars. You get to see a whole new perspective to Anakin's and Obi Wan's relationship and how it changes as he becomes a Knight. You get to actually watch the Chancellor get abducted (which is only briefly mentioned in the movie) and it's explained WHY General Grievous is wheezing so badly at the beginning. It also shows why Mace Windu is the man.
:: posted by Zuke, 10:15 PM


I wonder how limiting his new suit is though. It doesn't look like he could do much. I'm sure he feels so restricted in that. I guess that's why he breaths so hard.

BTW, thanks for allowing non-members to post.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:58 AM  

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