Mad Geek

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

A New Look

So, I decided it might be time to update the look of the site a tad. I've never been one for stock settings (on anything), and usually don't know what it is I'm doing until I've done it. That said, my old theme had a few firsts for me, and though I liked it greatly, the background was beginning to make things hard to read. If I knew what it was I wrote, but had problems reading it, I can only imagine that most of you were just scanning for pictures for fear of inducing a seizure by actually reading it.

This new one is not from a template like the last one, but instead slightly modified from it. The background assumes you are using at least a 1024x768 resolution (and those of you that aren't should really get out of 1994), and that inverted contrast doesn't give you a headache. Leave a comment (which hopefully I remembered to change the color on) to let me know what you think, and if it's acting correctly!
:: posted by Zuke, 6:40 PM


Nice...much easier to read! Thanks for thinking of us, your faithful readers. :)
Blogger Safire, at 4:24 PM  

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