Mad Geek
Friday, March 17, 2006
I finally found it!
So, in the ol'days, Japanese families had family crests called mon or ka-mon. I wasn;t sure, but I wanted to find out if Okinawan families used to have them too (namely, mine). After much searching, I finally found this site! OK, well, great; it's all in Japanese. And not just any Japanese either . . . really small Japanese.
Undeterred, I started looking though the crests to see if I could find mine. I started in the 'A' names (sounded like a good plan) and started comparing kanji. Keep in mind that the kanji for my last name is up as my profile picture. It took me a lot of looking, but I found it!

And wouldn't you know it, but it's the most boring one in the bunch! Oh well!
Undeterred, I started looking though the crests to see if I could find mine. I started in the 'A' names (sounded like a good plan) and started comparing kanji. Keep in mind that the kanji for my last name is up as my profile picture. It took me a lot of looking, but I found it!

And wouldn't you know it, but it's the most boring one in the bunch! Oh well!
:: posted by Zuke, 1:19 PM