Mad Geek
Friday, March 25, 2005
Hooray for unintended consequences!
Found that today and thought it amusing. The best part is when the leader who helped push the amendment through states "There's nothing wrong with the constitutional amendment. If there's any law contrary to the constitutional amendment, we will fix it."
So lets get this straight, you passed a law without thinking through what it could mean for all your other laws and now want to rewrite every one that might conflict with it? Um, ok.
My friends with Tivo probably won't get this next little bit, but its about a VERY annoying commercial for BK. Shows Darien Rucker must be down on his luck.

Unintended consequence of this move? Well, it confirms that Hootie is still alive, but at what cost?
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Bow to the Geek!
Well, happy days are here again! With the flurry of activity at our place, we have set up a customized xbox, PS2, digital cable, and overhauled computer on a wireless network, all linked into a 4Mb broadband connection. w00t.
Another w00t would be the addition of Xbox Live! into the mix. We have all been playing "Crimson Skies" every Saturday morning and it's been alot of fun. Last night I decided to host a game just to see what kind of other people played . . . it was sad. I won with 25 kills and only 5 deaths. It was sort of like everyone else joined the game just to chat, and only when it announced I had three kills left to win did they notice they had been dying alot. Oh well; pads my score nicely. If anyone who reads this wants to join, just look for WarHamur.
Also on the games list would be a title I recently started playing: Star Wars, Kinghts of the Old Republic. It's not a new title, but I only recently picked it up. It's addicting! Way too addicting. I haven't even picked up a lightsaber yet (which is usually the point where Star Wars games finally get interesting) but am already hooked on the gameplay.
Probably the best thing about this game would be the fact it actually has a plot! This is such a nice change from most PC games that just rely on graphics and shooting things. Even the past two Star Wars movies have tried to rely on just those two things!
On to movies . . . and Star Wars! Watched the Episode III trailer; over and over and over. Looks good. Like soil-my-shorts good! About time Lucas decideds to stop sugar coating the drama that happens in the story. Also in previews is Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy. I've only read bits of the books here and there, but I'm excited to see this movie. Nothing like non-linear humor with little point and a large budget to make me happy!
Well, I think I'm about out of random stuff to let out. I'll get back to you when I have some more.
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
We're winning the war on terror!
This is not fake . . . it might be funnier if it was.
"Student in High School zombie terror threat"
If you have a moment, I would consider reading it as it is only loosely connected to what I'm writing about next. Apparently, Washinton state is considering passing a bill that would hold video game makers responsible for crimes "inspired" by their violent creations. It also goes one step father by holding the retailer responsible as well.
The logic goes as follows:
Child plays violent game at early age and thinks its ok to shoot a cop.
Child shoots cop.
Company that creates game is held responsible to the family of that cop, as well as any damages caused the family of the kid.
Store that sold the kid the game is sued for selling him the game.
Well, how about I do you one better?
Child wants to buy violent game.
Parent pulls head out of orifice long enough to notice the game rating on box and denies kid.
Disaster averted.
Game ratings are there for reasons. Good reasons! If you don't want your kid to play violent games, don't let them play violent games! If your kid is bent on shooting a cop, they don't need a video game to tell the to do it.
Here's a scenario for you (assuming this passes, and I live in Washington):
After playing Halo 2 long enough, I decide to wage intergalactic war.
The remaining aliens sue RC Willey and Bungie for me ever getting the game.
Microsoft, as Bungie's parent company, takes major losses at the hands of alien lawyers and declares bankruptcy.
All Washington-based Microsoft employees (and there are a lot of them!) are laid off, creating a huge portion of unemployed people.
Washington state is screwed.
But I'm ok, because it was the game's fault.